Character Equipment

On your Character Equipment page, you’ll be able to select up to 12 items to create your build.


‣ Chest armor

‣ Leg armor

‣ Boots


Main Hand

Off Hand


‣Fishing rod

‣Fishing hook



<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/f47c15fd-1190-448d-8368-ffc8aa95f154/1492edb7-ab77-8008-85d9-007ada3ed1ee" alt="notion://custom_emoji/f47c15fd-1190-448d-8368-ffc8aa95f154/1492edb7-ab77-8008-85d9-007ada3ed1ee" width="40px" />

To equip an item, simply right-click it or drag it from your inventory to the correct slot. To unequip, right click the item or drag it back to the inventory


Pro tip: Holding a two-handed sword prevents you from equipping a shield

For more information on Character Stats and Attributes, check out

Character & Equipment


Character Customization

Access the character menu by pressing X, then select 'Customization'.

Options include:

Outfits and Weapon Types

Outfits are tied to your equipped weapon:

💡 Pro tip: Attack animations are also tied to your equiped weapon

Color Customization




For more on Outfits and Cosmetics, check out

Outfits & Cosmetics
